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(Beverly, 9 novembre 1922 - 30 aprile 1998)

Sindaco di Beverly

After his heroic military service, Frank Costello turned his talent to local needs. He was elected to the Beverly City Council in 1968, a position which he still holds today. In 1972, he was successful in running for mayor and has been loyally returned to office at each election. While this may have been enough for most, Frank Costello continued to give to his community. He has served as chairman of the Beverly Sewerage Authority since 1985, the City Planning Board for over 20 years, and the chairman of the Burlington County League of Municipalities for the last 12 years. Additionally, he has been the chairman of the Beverly City Democratic Party since 1985, and was president of the New Jersey Mayors Association from 1990 to 1996. While we do not belong to the same political party, I know that the residents of Beverly - Republican, Democrat, and Independent - could count on Frank Costello to do what was in the best interest of the community.

  • Congressional Record. Proceedings and Debates of the Congress, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington 1996, p. 24610.

Intitolazioni a Francesco Del Castello:

  • "Frank R. Costello" Municipal Building, 446 Broad Street, Beverly (NJ), Stati Uniti d'America.


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